Common Causes of iPhone Screen Damage


Although iPhones are incredible pieces of technology, no smartphone will live forever. For iPhone owners, a broken or cracked screen can be a typical annoyance that leaves you staring at a web of bad luck. But what precisely is the cause of frequent screen damage? 

Now let's examine the main causes of damaged iPhone screens:

The Drop

The unchallenged leaders in iPhone screen destruction are drops. An unlucky bump, a shaky hand, or a fall from a pocket can cause your iPhone to fall to the ground. The impact can easily shatter or damage the screen, leaving you with a heavy heart and a repair fee, especially on hard surfaces like concrete. This calls for unnecessarily expensive iPhone broken screen repair in Ballarat.

Slip of Liquids

Any liquid exposure, including coffee and water, can seriously damage the screen on your iPhone. Even a tiny bit of liquid can penetrate the sensitive internal parts, leading to display problems, broken touchscreens, or even irreversible damage. Especially if you're prone to spills or regular splashes, use a waterproof case.

The Two Extremes

Even though iPhones are made to survive mild temperatures, the screen can be harmed by extremely hot or cold conditions. Your phone's display may break or stop working if you leave it in a hot car or expose it to extremely cold weather. When at all possible, keep your iPhone at a reasonable temperature. If you still think the problem persists, consider hiring professional iPhone screen repair in Ballarat. 

When the Issue Is More Pervasive

Screen damage may occasionally indicate interior issues. Cracks or distortions in the screen may result from pressure exerted by a dead battery or a loose internal component. If you suspect internal problems, you must have your iPhone examined by a certified technician.

You can safeguard your priceless iPhone by being proactive and learning the common causes of screen damage. Never forget that prevention is usually more cost-effective than treatment! Thus, protect your iPhone and make the most of its advantages for many years to come.


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